Saturday, January 26, 2013

Insanity Days 3-5 Sorry I have not been able to post for these past three days, I have had a really busy schedule! So after Cardio Power and Resistance, the flu came back to haunt me a littlel bit. I woke up that night uncontrollably shivering, it wasn't fun. Anyways, the next day I felt a bit beat up so I decided to take a day off from Insanity. That night I started to feel better and deemed myself ready to go. The next day I picked it back up with Cardio Recovery. It was a nice break, nothing to hard. The next day though, Pure Cardio, was intense! I missed working out like when I had the flu. It was probably the hardest workout I have ever done. Today, I finished up the first week with the Cardio Circuit. I pushed myself harder than I did the first time and it was Insane! I am excited to meet up where I was before the flu and continue on to reaching my goal!! Peace Out, Adam

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Insanity Journey -- DAY 2! Well, I just finished day 2 of Insanity, Cardio Power and Resistance! I did not get a good night sleep last night so it took some internal motivation to work out today. It was tough at first, but I pushed through and got a great workout. I don't have the recovery and results formula for after the workouts, but I drink low fat chocolate milk which they say is just as good. FEELIN' GOOD, DAY 2 DOWN, 58 MORE TO GO!! Peace out, Adam

Monday, January 21, 2013

Insanity Day 1: I have just completed day 1 of Insanity, Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I started Insanity before about 4 weeks ago, however after I completed week 2 I was diagnosed with the flu. It was a massive bummer because I was doing so well. But, now I have decided to restart Insanity from the beginning (skipping the fit test) instead of started from where I left off since it has been two weeks and I have practically lost all progress. It is amazing how much progress you can lose with the flu! I am now ready to hit Insanity with all I've got and I am going to use this blog for motivation! Day 1 was a great workout, it was intense and by the end I was drenched in sweat. Looking forward to Cardio Power and Resistance tomorrow! Peace Out, Adam